Corporate Social Responsibility
Life & Nature was founded in 2016 by Collins Dale and now supported by other four M&A and Private Equity firms.
The aim of the foundation is to sensitise and bring to the public the importance of a healthy environment and an ethic agriculture and farming.
All chemicals, pesticides, herbicides used in agriculture, OGM cultures and intense animal farming using hormones, antibiotics etc. are causing a huge increase of diseases both in the young and adult population.
We are very conscious about this and we are proud that all our clients are supporting those principles.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Child 7 Collins Dale Social Responsibility.
Child7 support families with young cancer patients and physicians working in pediatric oncology.
The main service will be Child7 home care pediatric oncology.
The association will also provide support in everyday life for the families of patients from the same country, or from different countries of residence, and provide assistance to medical oncology pediatricians with a dedicated information system.
Child7 aims to become the national contact point according to EU Directive n. 2011/24. Child7 aims to be an international reference point for the sharing of information and services to be provided.
The special features of the disease that affects young people and their families highlights the primary need for parents to have supplementary information, media and psychological aid for services that will benefit them in their everyday life.
Collins Dale Capital Partners Ltd
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